I know for most of us it doesn’t feel like spring yet, but as soon as your Easter Buffet is done, it’s the 4th of July. Company picnics, summer weddings, and outdoor catering events are everywhere.
You may want to start thinking about what your outdoor policy should be as a rule. You may want to look at your contract with fresh eyes. Many people, and groups booking events don’t want to spend the money on a tent, but they should. Anytime food will be served in any fashion you want a comfortable place for the guests to eat, drink, and socialize. Sitting in the sun may seem fine for a company picnic by those event planners that don’t want to push a customer to rent a tent but it should be mandatory.
We are an aging country. The over 50 crowd will leave if there isn’t a shady place to sit. Trees normally won’t cut it if the sun is blazing. You may want to invest in a couple of nice event tents that you can rent yourself, along with a few misters, and fans.
Yes, these can be a serious investment but if you build them into your contracts as required for an outdoor event you will recoup that investment in no time. The comfort and safety of guests should be one of your top concerns just past food safety. And if guests are uncomfortably hot they will more than likely blame the caterer than the host. Don’t be that caterer.